Best Writing for Electronic Newsletter – Original Content

“A Case for Precision Irrigation”

By Kristine White, Performance Marketing account director

Please briefly describe your winning project. This was an article we developed for Toro, which featured the benefits of precision irrigation. Toro has developed many innovations in water management throughout the years. This article highlights benefits regarding quality irrigation systems and what golf course superintendents can achieve.

What were your main objectives in developing this project? We wanted to highlight the benefits of properly managing the precious resource of water, while still offering superintendents a way to achieve optimal results.

What influenced your approach? Toro does a great deal of field research on all of their products prior to launching them and we were able to gather insight from that field research. It’s important to know new products are helping customers solve real problems – not just be an innovative product.

Please tell us what you think stood out in your winning entry. Water is obviously a very common topic in the green industry, but we wanted to shed light on how water can be well managed all while keeping a focus on the superintendent’s bottom line.